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This post is to help anyone initiate a lifestyle of faith and fitness into their life. Pick one or incorporate several initiatives into your weekly training routine.

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We all need a strength coach in our lives. Someone to encourage us and believe in us. A coach pushes you when you are struggling. Listen to the greatest coach ever, Jesus. The Bible cues us to be strong and courageous.

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Each and every year we face challenges. It is in the moments that we have a choice to choose courage and face those challenges. Everyday is a race and it is time to face it.

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The human body is the most advanced technology to date. Appreciate what you are and know you were built to be strong.

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With numerous ways to workout we overlook general exercise adherence. Before we jump into any exercise routine. Find what works best for you then build off that.

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Power comes from being loose and submissive. This allows energy to transfer through us easier. Then we can have the potential to perform at a higher level in life.

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Brokenness is an opportunity to become stronger than we were before. Each time we break down we will build back up.

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Our body is a temple and needs to be monitored. It is constantly repaired and recharged. Train your Temple to serve God wholeheartedly.

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The more you resist in life. The stronger you will get. It will be hard during, but it is worth it. Resist and see your strength increase physically, mentally, and spiritually.

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We all have a passion for something, but we must know what it takes to seek it through. Passion is just the beginning. Find out what passion is truly made of.

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Life is time under tension. It is how we deal and handle tension that makes us into better individuals. The more tension we are under the stronger you will become.

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We can test our perseverance through perspiration. Sweating can be utilize as a physical sign to see how hard we work, but also remind us we are still alive.

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We must endure hardships and trials in life. Luckily, each hardship that we endure builds us up physically, mentally, and spiritually. This results in character development, so test your character by going for a run today.

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People become stronger through hardships. We can develop proper spiritual and mental endurance when we apply our faith in fitness. Today, enhance your physical training and train your faith in the process. Then you will start to transform whom you need to be.

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