August 6, 2018

True Love Concept

Brent Hardy

     We see love as a matter of choice. To love some people and not love others. Or, we will love people based on how they treat us or how we can benefit from them. We love base on looks, titles, and materialism. In all the while, God loves you unconditionally no matter how you look, position, or gain in this world. His love for you is deep and so wide. We can’t fathom the depths of His continual unconditional love.

     We are challenged to love from a different perspective. Love how God loves you and everyone. He teaches us to even love our enemies in Matthew 5:44 “But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!” This goes on “In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that.” 

     Once you shift your heart and mind to loving everyone in the Image of God then you will be able to emulates God’s values to them. These values are forgiveness, kindness, gentleness, compassion, encouragement, faithfulness, and integrity. Once you love this way you will no longer house resentment in yourself. Freedom is here and now because of love.

     First, God is Love. He cares so much about you and I mean you as an individual. We ask “Where is God? And what are you doing for us in these times?” The thing is He has already done something for us. It has been there since we were born. A choice. A decision. God gave us Jesus. Jesus was the first example of “I came, I saw, I conquered” from the famous Julius Caesar. He came into our world to be with us and show us how to live. How we should love, how we should battle fear, and how we should move forward. Above all else Jesus conquered death! He came, so we can have eternal life. He came so we can be with God. God has been and still is around us, right now. 

     He is in the wind that brush across your face. He is in the rain that falls on your head. He is in the wave that rolls you over. He is the air your breathe. If you take a moment to embrace right now. You will see Him, everywhere. Then, once you turn to follow Jesus. You will see him in your heart and in the heart of people. God never leaves you, but constantly loves you. I am here to encourage you to see life in a whole new perspective. In the perspective of the true love of God. 

     If you have never given your life to Jesus. It can be hard to understand, but we are not meant to understand. We are meant to accept and be fully forgiven. Chose Christ today. Chose Christ now. This blog is not to invent the wheel, but to show who is driving the wheel and that is Jesus. He drives my wheel and I have seen some much blessing. I have also gone through my sufferings, but because of Him I was able to get through it. 

     My prayer is for someone to give their life to Jesus through this blog. Then activate their faith through fitness. Become someone they never been before, which is really the person you are destined for. My heart is so full to share the good news through this platform. Every time a tragedy hits there is always unity. People come together to help. Pick them up. Jesus is the best thing that can happen to you when tragedy hits. He comes to pick you up and heal you. Though, you do not have to wait for tragedy to make that choice. Go to the belief page to read more about Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior if you are going to make the best decision of your life.

  • God is here
  • Surrender to live
  • Embrace Grace


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Love is a choice. We are chosen, but we still have to chose as well. What will your choice be. I already know what God has chose. He chooses you and will continually choose you.

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